About US
The peace convening Beyond Violence: Creating a Culture of Peace emerged from collaboration of faith, peace, and public health activists who began meeting during the pandemic. Initially the group sought to encourage public expressions of grief and lament to give voice to the suffering and death that came with COVID-19. That work led to a weekly national collaboration around the epidemic rise in violence, using the public health lens that Cure Violence Global has helped pioneer.
The national collaboration spans from the Northwest to the Upper Midwest to the Southeast, joined by researchers on both the East and West coasts. The collaborative includes long-standing peacekeeping trainers, peace organizers, social media researchers, public health interveners, and faith workers.
In our own experiences in the collaborative, we have been enriched by the cross-pollination of our perspectives, methods, and processes. Out of this mutuality has emerged this call call to convene the variety of peace movements, journalists, and researchers. We know there’s a better story for all of us that depicts how we can live together in a world where the culture of peace supports the resources we all need to address conflict without resorting to violence. Let’s tell this story together!