A brief survey on peace work, its successes, continuing concerns, and support towards a culture of peace can be found at https://bit.ly/BV23survey or click on QR code.
Through the Peace Convening, we seek to encourage a movement of shared intentionality around an affirmative vision towards a default culture of peace in the United States. As we reflect on establishing a culture of peace, we need to discern the actions that both realize peaceful practices and promote wide adoption of our shared intentionality.In preparation for the Peace Convening, we invite you to help create a shared baseline from which to launch immediately into deep work when we gather together. To lay that groundwork, the Design Group proposes using a qualitative interview process in advance, with results to be analyzed and shared with participants before the August 12-13 convening.In responding to these questions, the term “peace” is used in a broad and inclusive sense that includes non-violence and violence interruption work. Your answers may reflect both formal and informal group work that you may or may not be part of at any scale, large or small.The Beyond Violence: A Peace Convening is a project of a national collaborative that has been tracking social and political violence since the pandemic using a combination of public health, faith, violence interruption models. Over a dozen national peace-oriented organizations have endorsed the Convening.
Please complete the survey on the Google form. https://bit.ly/BV23survey